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[2017/09/07  浏览:]



Yong Wang


Ph.D. in Sociology, Iowa State University, August 2003

Dissertation: The Discursive Structures of Totalitarian Ideology

Master of Science in Statistics, Iowa State University, August 2003

Master of Science in Sociology, Iowa State University, May 1999

Master of Arts in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, People’s Republic of China, July 1994.

Bachelor of Science in Optical Engineering, the Academy of Navel Engineering, Wuhan, People’s Republic of China, July 1983

Professional Employment Experience:

Since June 2012

Associate Professor

Department of Sociology

Montclair State University, NJ

Since Aug. 2003

Assistant Professor (tenured in 2008)

Department of Sociology

Montclair State University, NJ

Aug. 1994—Dec. 1996

Translator and Interpreter

Naval Institute of Logistic Equipment and Technology

Beijing, P.R. China

Sept. 1983—Aug. 1991

Assistant Engineer, Translator and Interpreter

Naval Institute of Logistic Equipment and Technology

Beijing, P.R. China

Teaching and Research Interests:

Sociological Theory, Cultural Sociology, Social Semiotics, Text Analysis and Media, the Intersection between Cognitive Sociology and Language, Research Methods, Statistical Modeling

Scholarly Publications:


Sangeeta Parashar and Yong Wang. 2014. Integration and Divisions: The Expansion of Global Capitalism. Kendall-Hunt Publishing, Dubuque IA.

Sangeeta Parasha and Yong Wang 2011.  Inequality in a globalizing World: Perspectives, Processes, and Experiences. Kendall-Hunt Publishing, Dubuque IA.

Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles:

Roberts, Carl W. & Yong Wang. 2010. “Traitor in Our Midst: Cultural Variations in Japanese vs. Oklahoman Public Discourse on Domestic Terrorism in the Spring of 1995.” Comparative Sociology, 9 (463-494).

Roberts, Carl W.; Cornelie Zuell; Juliane Landmann; Yong Wang. 2010. “Modality Analysis: a Semantic Grammar for Imputations of Intentionality in Texts.” Quality and Quantity, 44 (230-257).

Wang, Yong. 2008. “Agency: the Internal Split of Structure.” Sociological Forum, 23(3).

Wang, Yong. & Carl W. Roberts. 2005.  “Actantial Analysis: Greimas's Structural Approach to the Analysis of Self-Narratives” Narrative Inquiry, Vol. 15, No. 1 pp. 51-74.

Other Publications:

Wang, Yong. 2014. “Fascism/Stalinism” in Zizek Dictionary, edited by Rex Butler, Acumen Books.

Wang, Yong. 2010. “Merton.” The Concise Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, edited by G. Ritzer and J. Michael Ryan, Wiley-Blackwell.

Teaching Experience:

Montclair State University (Aug, 2003—Present):

1.SOCI 240: Statistics for Social Research

2.SOCI 220: Sociology of Rich and Poor Nations

3.SOCI 301: Sociological Research Methods (I)

4.SOCI 313: Social Theory: Critical Analysis

5.SOCI 407: Sociology of Mass Media

6.SOCI 404: Sociology of Religion

7.SOCI 556: Data Analysis

8.EAES 896: Research Methods (Statistics Module)




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